Monday, January 20, 2014

Thank you Lynbrook Primary!

Recently we had the fantastic Teachers Donna and Laura here, sent all the way from Australia, to help train our teachers in teaching phonices and class management.

In the week they were here they imparted so much of their knowledge, leaving our teachers confident, wiser and happier.

They also sent us some great resources including phonic cards, posters, teachers guide and Youtube videos.

It wasn't just the teachers who got a treat - all our students were made a bookmark by the students from Lynbrook - so thank you all for your great gifts and check out the photos below!

The kids studying the excellent drawings on the bookmarks

Our Beginner Class holding up the gifts proudly - Thanks!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Medical care for the community

On the 4th January we were visited by an American Doctor Mission to provide health education, student check-up and paint many faces. In fact it seemed the face painting was far more popular than seeing the Doctors for some reason!

After the mission had ended, the Doctors left us small first aid packs to distribute to the families in villages where we work and to distribute the vitamin tables for children.

Vitamin tables and vitamin drinks were also
left to give to our students regularly
Plasters, medication, antiseptic creams and
much more were left for us to distribute

Monday, January 6, 2014

Well finished!

Two weeks ago, when we visited Kok Thnoat village to give out seeds and check out the water situation (A new well..), workers were still drilling through the ground for fresh water. It looked like a long and laborious process, but last week when we visited again, it was finished! 

Four families in the village now finally have access to a sustainable supply of fresh water, something we take for granted everyday.

If you wish to donate a well or something similar, visit our Donations page 

Before and after - our worker digging away
and the final well installed!

Fresh water from underground reservoirs are vital for living,
especially for farming and growing crops

Thursday, January 2, 2014

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Well it's been an extremely fun week at FKC and we hope you too have had an amazing holiday period!

It started on Christmas Eve, where we started preparing for Christmas with a food shop at the local market. We had to buy enough to feed 300+ kids and adults the next days so we drafted in a few volunteers to help!

That night a few of our students performed in a Christmas Carol Concert, and so put on their red outfits and Apsara dance make-up before heading out to sing and dance their hearts out.

Then on Christmas Day it was all fun and games, starting with football, sack races, pingpong games and beanbag throw. We then had a series of shows from students similar to Cambodia's Got Talent!

Finally on the 26th December we headed to other villages whilst our students were at school. In the villages we handed out Christmas donations including clothes and toys.

           A plethora of vegetables at the market                     
          Which ones feel firm and look yummy?                                 

Adding the finishing touches to the costumes        
A bit of lip gloss and eye makeup needed

Two girls competitively sack racing!
Getting ready for a game of Captain's Ball

No roads went to the village so we had to
walk or bike the supplies in
Making sure the clothes fit the children
whilst distributing them
A box of toys to be handed out to all the children
Children waiting patiently for their presents of toys and clothes